It has now been more than forty years have gone by since the day we were walking on one of the hills surrounding Florence among the countless rocks that had been broken up to make a path through the fields, when we came across a small rock of Paesina Stone. It was our first find and, luckily, we found the calcareous layer nearby from which that stone had come.
We had cut that first stone, by a professional marble cutter and we were excited over the beautiful scene that appeared. Being enthusiastic mineral collectors, we were very familiar with the Paesina Stone, the most beautiful of which come from areas around Florence. We had also seen some samples in the Mineralogy Museums, in specialized shops and at mineral exhibits that we frequented as passionate collectors.
None were as beautiful as the one we had before our eyes!
Our adventure started that day. Our dedication and enthusiasm has led us to overcome a great number of obstacles. We didn’t know anything about the process of working with the stone, and those few who did know how jealously kept their secrets. We had to practically invent both the method of cutting the stone and the system of working with and polishing it. We have documented, reading ancient books, on the techniques used in 1600s, but there are no machines suitable for those ancient processes, we built them with our hands, also recovering mechanical parts in the cars-demolition or dismantling old washing machines. Not to mention the system and products for polishing....several years of tests, fatigue, failures and disappointments before arriving at a good result.
In spite of this, those who have had the chance to see our little slabs of Paesina Stone claim that we have become real experts – so much so that the old “experts” have asked about the processes we use. Fundamentally, we have simply tried to use ancient traditional methods of processing semiprecious stones and this application has given fantastic results.
In time we have been able to make other finds and luckily they have almost always contained high quality stones, masterpieces of nature, whose beauty, even after all these years, never fails to amaze us.
1995 October 3rd - After so much effort and a huge excavation, finally appears the Paesina's "lode" embedded in its original gangue. This is the most beautiful Paesina stone that we have discovered since 1981!
It is with this enthusiasm and with the desire to share our discoveries with all that we have decided to show others some of the more marvellous pieces from our collection which we reproduce here in photos.
We would, of course, also be delighted to personally show these and other samples to anyone who might be interested.
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